What does Bulk Sale have over other wholesalers?
We do ALL the legwork for you.
Spend less time searching and
more time deciding.
Matching products – we do a side by anyalsis of EVERY SINGLE product listed to ensure that it matches the details on the Amazon page. In fact, we have the vendors double check the listings for potential errors and confirm that items are 100% match to amazon.
Loads of pertinent details shared with you in one easily digestible format
Deal with one source that can supply you consistently with good deals that will generate income.
Save more with bulk order discounts available on many items
We consolidate inventory from 400+ partner warehouses around the US with more joining rapidly.
- 18,500+ deals. 46,000,000+ units available via our online catalog.
- 100’s of categories & brands.
- $160,000,000+ of inventory available to purchase.
- List of 2000+ items under #100,000 on amazon steadily available.
- Multiple browsing methods and filters to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Warehouse rules built into the ordering process to avoid confusion. Every warehouse and vendor sets up different rules. We’ve built all that into the calculations so that you can browse one uniform system.
Streamlined system with multiple payment options.
Ship products straight to FBA and avoid costly transfers!
We have dedicated teams handling your order to ensure a smooth transaction from start to finish.
Well documented guides & information to help you understand the ordering system.
- Terms of Sale
- Buyers Guide
Our team has processed 6,000+ orders and counting!
Our CEO, Jack Sasson, has 10+ years of experience in the wholesale industry.
Knowledgeble staff and guides that can help you with any issue.
Palletfly has been in operation since 2016.
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Bulk Sale USA only provides Amazon comparison information and other projections to help you do research quicker. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AND IS NOT BASED ON RELIABLE INFORMATION. Bulk Sale USA is not responsible for any information provided or inaccuracies. Using such information is at your own risk. Bulk Sale USA makes no representations regarding your eligibility or ability to sell or resell products on the Amazon marketplace or anywhere else. Please make sure to do your own research prior to purchasing any products on Bulk Sale USA. Bulk Sale USA is not affiliated with Amazon.com.